Shrek is Love: School Shooting

>Date is May 18 (National Shrek Day)
>Wore my Shrek 2 T-Shirt
>Another boring day at school
>Clock strikes 8:30 AM
>Everyone sits down and class starts
>1st period History, a very boring subject
>All but one student is present
>Fire alarm goes off at 8:45
>Nearing the entrance, I hear gunshots
>Shooter is hiding behind a trash can
>Everyone runs into the classrooms
>I pray to my ogre lord hoping I make it out alive
>Gunman eventually bursts into my class
>It's the missing student dressed up in all black
>I'm hiding in a cramped closet
>I can see students getting shot from a narrow hole
>All the students hiding in the class are eventually dead or injured
>I end up sneezing because the closet is so dusty
>To my horror, the gunman hears me
>He opens up the closet and puts the AR-15 right in my face as the scent of onions fill the room
>He asks "Do you believe in god?"
>I told him I believed in the mighty ogre lord Shrek
>He replied with "Are you an idiot? Shrek is dreck!"
>I realized that he was a minion of Farquaad
>Before the gunman can pull the trigger, Shrek crashes through the roof
>Gunman looks back and opens fire on Shrek
>Shrek was wearing invisible onion armor and was immune to the bullets
>He charged at the gunman and pinned him to the ground
>He pulled out his giant ogre cock and violated his butthole
>He fucks his ass so hard, blood sprays out of his ass
>He fills his rectum with his onion sauce
>The shooter dies instantly
>He looked at me and I knew resistance wasn't an option
>Shrek pulled his pants down and put his ass in my face
>I opened my mouth as wide as possible
>He takes a huge onion dump in my mouth
>It filled me up so much, but I did it for Shrek
>He stopped shitting onions and told me to bend over
>I bent over, pulled my pants, and opened up my asshole for Shrek
>His gigantic ogre penis tears through my tight rectum with ease
>Tears flood out of my eyes as the cock goes in and out of my dirty asshole
>Shrek lets out a mighty ogre roar as he fills my asshole with his onion cum
>He takes his penis out of my ass and gets me out of the school before flying off to his swamp
>Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life